- The Lion Illustrated Bible for ChildrenAuthor: Lois Rock Illustrator: Christina Balit The treasured stories of the Bible make a great story about God and God's people. In this retelling, each memorable episode can be enjoyed in its own ...$18.95
- Stations of the Cross for ChildrenWalk with Jesus as He shows us how very much He loves us.Follow Jesus through fourteen stations -- fourteen moments -- on His journey with the cross. Rejoice as He returns to His Father in heaven ...$5.95
- Images of God for Young Children"The Bible describes God in many different ways: God is light; God is joy; God is wisdom. God is the beauty that fills the earth and the rock we stand on, the promises we live by and the fire that ...$23.75
- Friends With God Devotions For KidsThese 54 devotions help kids discover a truth that changes their lives forever: God not only loves them, he likes them, too. And he wants to be their friend! As children meet God’s Bible-times ...$22.99
- Does God Know How to Tie Shoes?Author: Nancy White Carlstorm Illustrator: Lori McElrath-Eslick This is the story of Katrina, a young girl who spends the day with her parents questioning them about God. Her parents' responses, ...$14.00
- Does God Hear My Prayer?Author: August Gold Playfully guides children in the many ways they can communicate with God. Using simple, everyday examples, this colorful book introduces young readers to prayer and how prayer ...$13.95
- Because Nothing Looks Like GodWith little hands, and big hands. With young hands and old hands, with your hands. Mixing sparks of curiosity and spiritual imagination, this wondrous book lights children's creativity and shows ...$30.95
- From Mass to Mission: Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for ChildrenEvery Sunday, we go to Mass to pray with our family, friends, and members of our parish. Going to Mass is the most important thing we do as Catholic Christians. Mass gives us time to praise God ...$4.50
- But God Remembered: Stories of Women from Creation to the Promised LandThis lively collection of four stories is a modern reclaiming of the Bible, a celebration of courageous and wise women from ancient tradition. These stories invite children of all ages and all ...$13.20
- Image of God Series: Who Has God's Life? (Grade 1)Image of God series second edition, Who Has God's Life? provides first grade students with an introduction to the Trinity with emphasis on the life of Jesus. Students learns about grace, what it ...$26.95
- Is God Still Awake? A Small Girl With a Big Question About GodIn this delightful full-color picture book that teaches children about prayer, bestselling author Sheila Walsh helps you show your kids how, when, and why to talk with God as they learn more of ...$26.95
- Growing GodEmma -- the little artist with a big dream from Karen Kiefer's bestselling Drawing God -- is back, a few years older, and looking for God in a whole new way.When Emma returns home from spending ...$26.50
- Maybe God is Like That Too (hardcover)Every child wonders where God lives or what God is like. In Maybe God Is Like That Too, a young boy asks his grandma where God is in their city. She invites him to pay attention to where he sees ...$23.95
- The Ten Commandments: I Obey GodTeaches children about the laws of God. Illustrated in full colour. Size: 5 1/2 X 7 3/8" Other St. Joseph Picture Books$4.50
- The Commandments of GodDescription: Teaches children about the laws of God. Illustrated in full colour. Author: Rev. Jude Winkler Format: Paperback Pages: 32 Size: 5 1/2 X 7 3/8 inches Other St. Joseph ...$4.50
- My Lullabible for BoysThe My LullaBible for Boys is an enchanting collection of 24 soothing lullabies for baby boys, instilling a love of God in their hearts. With its beautiful design and meaningful poetry, this is a ...$21.00
- My Lullabible for GirlsThe My LullaBible for Girls is an enchanting collection of 24 soothing lullabies for baby boys, instilling a love of God in their hearts. With its beautiful design and meaningful poetry, this is a ...$21.00
- My Tender Heart BibleWith sweet, rhyming text and whimsical illustrations, My Tender Heart Bible features beloved and classic Bible stories for beginner readers. Bestselling author Laura Sassi pairs simple yet ...$22.35
- The Story of Noah's ArkA long time ago, the people of the world were not treating each other kindly. God was very sad, and so he decided to send a flood to cover the entire world. However, one man, Noah, and his family ...$12.99
- The Seed Who Was Afraid To Be PlantedThere once was a seed Who lived in a drawer In a room of a mansion By a beautiful shore… So begins this lovely retelling of Jesus' parable of the seed for children ages 3 and up. The Seed who Was ...$23.95
- The Bible (Tony Wolf)These beloved stories from the Bible, filled with adventure and wonder, recount how God revealed Himself to His people.$22.50
- Great and Small Bible: A Keepsake Bible for BabiesAll creatures great and small . . . the Lord God made them all! This full-text Bible, complemented by delightful illustrations of great-and-small animal friends, is a perfect gift for a baby’s ...$26.99
- The Great Adventure Kids - Catholic Bible ChroniclesThe same Bible Timeline system used by Fr. Mike Schmitz for his Bible in a Year podcast is infused into this children's book—an instant classic! The Great Adventure Kids Catholic Bible Chronicles ...$43.95
- When God Made the WorldFrom the author of the bestselling children's book When God Made You comes a rhythmic, whimsical journey through creation--for little readers who love science and wonder and the beginnings of all ...$16.99
- Raising God-First Kids in a Me-First WorldMore than ever, if you have children, parenting with purpose is required. In a world where children are bombarded with conflicting messages, both moms and dads must fight the tendency to be ...$17.50
- Listening For God: Silence Practice for Little OnesThis creative book, which contains some surprise interactive elements that your child will love, will become an invaluable resource to your family prayer life.Katie Warner, noted Catholic author ...$23.75
- When God Made LightFrom the author and illustrator of the best selling "When God Made You" come a new illuminating message about God's design affirming young readers. 'Let there be light!' that's what God said. And ...$15.99
- Where Are You Hiding, God?Where are you hiding, God? In the dresser between my pants and socks? In the bathtub under my little rubber duck? In the grass next to the flowers and the dragonflies? This colorful picture book ...$16.95
- I Believe in God: The Apostle's CreedThis delightful little book explains the Apostle's Creed to children and is illustrated in full colour. Author: Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. Format: Paperback Pages: 32 Size: ...$4.50
- I Choose God: Stories from Young CatholicsEditor: Chris Cuddy & Peter Ericksen Foreword: Scott Hahn In twenty-one thought-provoking testimonies, young Catholics talk about their search for truth in a world increasingly free of values ...$20.95
- Dear Pope Francis: The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the WorldIn this unprecedented book, questions from children from across the world are presented to Pope Francis and the Pope himself answers each letter. All too often, the big spiritual questions from ...$26.95
- Faith, Family, and Children with Special Needs: How Catholic Parents and Their Kids with Special Needs Can Develop a Richer Spiritual LifeIt’s hard enough for today’s parents to raise faith- filled children. But for the parents of kids with special needs, the challenges can be almost overwhelming; these parents’ own spirituality may ...$14.95
- My God, Your God, Our GodDavid, Johanna & Ibrahim are three best friends who talk about everything together, including God. One day, they decide to settle the argument that divides them time and time again. Whose ...$23.95
- When God Gave Us WordsWords.There are long words and short words, nice words and mean words. There are silly words, scary words, and hard-to-spell words.There are so many words in our world! But where did they all come ...$22.40
- Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids about God and SciencePassion City Church founder Giglio takes his message about science and the Bible to kids in his first children's book that displays the majesty of creation with scientific findings, photography, ...$21.99
- Lessons from Pope Francis for ChildrenPope Francis has lessons for all of us - young and old alike. In this beautifully illustrated book, the Holy Father talks about God's love, our friendship with Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit, ...$23.95
- Where Does God Live?This delightful, accessible book helps children develop their own direct and personal understanding of God in their lives. It explores the spiritual concept of God's presence with simple, ...$12.95
- My ABC of God Loves MeAuthor: Thomas Nelson Publishers Christian parents are constantly looking for ways to integrate faith into every facet of life. By combining learning concepts with basic biblical principles of ...$11.95
- When God Made YouFrom early on, children are looking to discover their place in the world and longing to understand how their personalities, traits, and talents fit in. The assurance that they are deeply loved and ...$16.99
- The Beatitudes for ChildrenAuthor: Rosemarie Gortler & Donna Piscitelli Illustrator: Mimi Sternhagen 8 Ways Kids Can Grow Closer to God When it comes to growing closer to God, kids (and adults) have no better teacher ...$11.50
- Thank You, God, for DaddyAuthor: Amy Parker Illustrator: Frank Endersby Daddies do so much for us! It's time to thank God for the blessing they are. In this adorable board book, a little lion cub thanks God for his ...$13.95
- Thank You, GodAuthor: Bradley J Wigger Illustrator: Jago This bright, lyrical book offers readers of all ages and backgrounds the perfect chance to reflect on all the things that they have to be grateful for. ...$23.95
- My Little Golden Book About GodAuthor: Jane Werner Watson Illustrator: Eloise Wilkin This poetic book illustrates how even the tiniest things that we might take for granted, like the “jewels on the insect’s back,” are part of ...$6.95
- My Life With GodDescription: Shows children how God is part of their lives. Illustrated in full colour. Author: Rev. Lawrence J. Lovasik, S.V.D. Format: Paperback Pages: 32 Size: 5 1/2 X 7 3/8 ...$4.50
- Love God, Love Me, Love YouYou must love the Lord Your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind… and love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27. In Love God, Love me, Love You, young ...$13.95
- Who Is God? Board BookHelp your little ones learn about who God is and how much he wants to be with them$16.50
- Jesus I Adore You: Children Praying Before the Blessed SacramentHow do we adore God who has shared his divine presence with us in the Blessed Sacrament? Adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament can simply be taking a moment to say that we love him. How? By going ...$19.60
- Where Does God Live?A lively and inquisitive young girl named Hope has a favorite pastime: asking questions. She asks everyone she knows just about anything. One day her musings lead her to a really big question: ...$25.20
- The Stories of God (And Kiki)Little Kiki is an aspiring author and illustrator who weaves daring tales about swashbuckling otters, all-knowing sea cucumbers, and nail-biting rescues from the clutches of gerblins (part gerbil, ...$17.99
- Who God Wants Me to BeThis empowering picture book features a diverse cast of little girls dreaming of all the things they can be when they grow up and exploring how they can serve God in all kinds of careers.I’ll keep ...$17.99
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