- Francis: Pope of a New WorldFrancis, rebuild my Church! That is how St. Francis of Assisi heard the call of Christ. It is also how Jorge Mario Bergoglio, at the age of 76, and a Jesuit, seems to have accepted his election to ...$27.95
- St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous MedalFor more than a hundred and fifty years the Miraculous Medal has been known and worn by Catholics throughout the world. It has been used and promoted by great saints and Popes as a most powerful ...$16.95
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- Sacred Blood, Sacred Image: The Sudarium of Oviedo : New Evidence for the Authenticity of the Shroud of TurinThis is the story of the Sudarium of Oviedo, an ancient bloodstained cloth, believed to have covered the head of Jesus of Nazareth after his crucifixion. The author traces the known history of the ...$28.95
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- Salvation is From The JewsThe book traces the role of Judaism and the Jewish people in God's plan for the salvation of mankind, from Abraham through the Second Coming, as revealed by the Catholic faith and by a thoughtful ...$28.95
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- Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic ChurchIn this volume five Cardinals of the Church, and four other scholars, respond to the call issued by Cardinal Walter Kasper for the Church to harmonize "fidelity and mercy in its pastoral practice ...$34.95
- Summa of the SummaSaint Thomas Aquinas is universally recognized as one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived. His writings combine the two fundamental ideals of philosophical writing: clarity and profundity. ...$41.95
- Nine Days with St. JosephNo one knew our Lord and his Blessed Mother better than Saint Joseph, the man to whom God entrusted their care! How can we draw closer to him and learn to rely on his powerful intercession? During ...$8.40
- Fire Within: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and the Gospel-On PrayerThis book is the fruit of Fr. Dubay's many years of study and experience in spiritual direction and in it he synthesizes the teachings on prayer of the two great doctors of the Church on ...$27.95
- My Picture Book of the BibleThis very charming picture book takes readers word by word on the journey of faith through the Bible. Padded cover with special plasticized pages. Full color. Ages 3+$23.95
- Prayer for BeginnersPeter Kreeft brings his unique insights to this most important area of our spiritual lives. He claims he himself is still a beginner in prayer, and this book is for all those, like him, who feel ...$20.95
- A School of Prayer: The Saints Show Us How to PrayPope Benedict XVI Prayer is essential to the life of faith. In this superb book, based on Pope Benedict's weekly teaching, he examines the foundational principles of the life of prayer. Believers ...$33.50
- Padre Pio: Stories and Memories of My Mentor and FriendThis colorful memoir offers a rare, up-close glimpse of the life and personality of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, the beloved Italian monk who was blessed with extraordinary gifts. The late Fr. ...$25.95
- The Life of Saint BenedictThe saint whose heroic life changed the course of Europe still fascinates people today. This extraordinary book with original illustrations by Mark Brown and text by Br. John Mckenzie, OSB, ...$23.95
- How To Handle My Emotions: JoyJoin Charlotte and Elliot as they discover the virtues that make life better. In this third book in the series, three engaging stories on the subject of joy with valuable tools to help children ...$16.95
- He Gave Us So Much: A Tribute to Benedict XVI By Cardinal Robert Sarah“Benedict XVI was a spiritual master,” writes Robert Cardinal Sarah of his longtime mentor, after his death early 2023. “His very precise and profound theological thought is rooted in an authentic ...$34.95
- Quiet Companion The Life of Peter Faber, S.J.Ignatius of Loyola and his “friends in the Lord” began to dream of serving God together in what became the Society of Jesus. Two of his most trusted companions were Peter Faber and Francis Xavier. ...$23.95
- Spiritual Warfare & the Discernment of SpiritsSatan is always at work breeding sadness and anxiety while providing obstacles that prevent souls from making spiritual progress. In this concise yet powerful book, author Dan Burke presents the ...$20.95
- Discernment of Spirits in Marriage Ignatian Wisdom for Husbands & WivesTo navigate the inevitable ups and downs of our spiritual lives, countless souls have found comfort and guidance in St. Ignatius of Loyola's Rules for Discernment . For the past forty years, ...$20.95
- Consoling the Heart of Jesus: Do it Yourself RetreatMichael Gaitley, MIC has given us a very special gift in this thoughtful and prayerful "Do-It-Yourself Retreat". He brings together several spiritual traditions and blends them in the pattern of ...$23.95
- Teaching Jesus Ignatian Contemplations with the Gospel of MatthewEach of the Gospel writers presents Jesus in a somewhat different light. John gives us a conversational Jesus; Luke offers a compassionate Jesus; and Mark shows us Jesus at his most human. Matthew ...$12.95
- First to Belong to God: On Retreat with Pope FrancisWritten by Austen Ivereigh “This is not a time to hunker down and lock our doors. I see clearly that the Lord is calling us out of ourselves, to get up and walk.” —From the Foreword by POPE ...$28.00
- Discerning the Will of God: An Ignatian Guide to Christian Decision MakingDrawing from the timeless methods of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, this thoughtful meditation is enriched with examples and stories that offer practical and profound wisdom for aligning personal ...$27.95
- Discernment of Spirits: A Reader's Guide: An Ignatian Guide for Everyday LivingThis handy, easy-to-use workbook is chock full of probing questions, real-life stories, and practical tips on how to apply the profound spiritual insights from the Ignatian tradition of patient, ...$18.95
- Catholic PrayersAn essential collection of the most popular prayers that have formed the core of Catholic tradition for centuries. Contains over 100 carefully selected prayers, ranging from prayers all Catholics ...$11.95
- Ignatian Introduction to Prayer: Scriptural Reflections According to the Spiritual ExercisesThis is a book for those who desire to pray with Sacred Scripture. Following the spiritual itinerary of the Spiritual Exercises by Ignatius of Loyola, forty reflections offer a great resource for ...$23.95
- Book of Saint (Part 5)Description: Lives of fifteen well-known Saints. Illustrated in full colour. The fifteen Saints in Part 5 are: St. Basil the Great St. Anthony the Abbot St. Isidore of Seville St. Vincent ...$4.50
- Book of Saints (Part 6)Lives of fifteen well-known Saints. Illustrated in full colour. The fifteen Saints in Part 6 are: St. Edward St. John Neumann St. Benedict Labre St. Catherine of Siena St. Madeleine Sophie ...$4.50
- Seeing with the Heart Guide to Navigating Life's AdventuresRespected Jesuit educator and spiritual director Kevin O'Brien invites you to recognize the opportunities to uncover your meaning and purpose as you navigate the turbulent river of life. Seeing ...$27.95
- The Novena and Litany of Blessed Carlo AcutisPraying with the Saint Who Merged Devotion with Technology (Powerful Catholic Novena Collection for Every Need) Dominic Ignatius (author) Paperback 46 Pages$11.95
- Remembering God's Mercy: Redeem the Past and Free Yourself from Painful MemoriesRemembering God’s Mercy is a perfect resource for personal spiritual growth during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. In the first book to explore how memories impact and are affected by faith, ...$21.95
- Catholic PrayersThis essential collection of the most popular prayers that have formed the core of Catholic tradition for centuries is now available in beautiful, Premium UltraSoft. Containing more than 100 ...$26.95
- What Do You Really WantWhat should I do? We ask the question when we pray. We ask it when we run out of answers to our problems. We ask it when we face big decisions. We ask it when we get out of bed in the morning: ...$20.95
- What is Ignatian Spirituality?The most influential spiritual movement of the modern age is Ignatian spirituality, an approach to the spiritual life based on the insights of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Ignatian spirituality teaches ...$18.95
- Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything: A Spirituality for Real LifeThe Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by the Revered James Martin, SJ (My Life with the Saints) is a practical spiritual guidebook based on the life and teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the ...$21.00
- Meditation and Contemplation: An Ignatian Guide to Praying with ScriptureThe cornerstones of Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual practice—meditation and contemplation—are clearly explained in this simple guide to the Ignatian method with examples from the experience of ...$20.95
- Teaching Discernment A Pedagogy for Presenting Ignatian Discernment of SpiritsIn this remarkable explanation of a pedagogic system, Fr. Tim weaves together several channels of learning—his many years of reading about Ignatian discernment and classic spiritual experience, ...$34.95
- Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry: Five Steps to Discerning God’s Willby Jackie and Bobby Angel in collaboration with Fr. Mike Schmitz Find peace and clarity when making decisions. Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry: Five Steps to Discerning God’s Will equips Catholics ...$20.95
- How Big Is Your God?: The Freedom to Experience the DivineDo you have a real relationship with God, or do you just have a religion? Do you know God, or do you just know about God? In How Big Is Your God? Paul Coutinho, SJ, challenges us to grow stronger ...$17.50
- Christ in a Grain of Sand: An Ecological Journey with the Spiritual ExercisesThe Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius are perhaps the greatest retreat guide ever written. Neil Vaney's innovative approach to the Exercises is an invitation to a journey of discovery, a ...$17.50
- Cooking With the SaintsFrom traditional Cottage Pie on St. Patrick's Day to Basque Lamb Stew on the feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, the delicious recipes in this unique cookbook will excite your senses, awaken in you ...$50.95
- Bible In A Year PaperbackWith Bible in a Year: Your Daily Encounter with God you can read through the entire Bible in a single year! Three daily readings, one each from the Old Testament, Wisdom Literature and the New ...$41.95
- Saints For BoysThis exclusive line of books for catholic children, ages 5-9, features saint stories and extraordinary illustrations that will truly engage the reader. Children will learn more about their heroes, ...$4.50
- The Word on Fire Bible (Volume 2): Acts, Letters and Revelation - LeatherThe Word on Fire Bible is a groundbreaking new series introducing readers to the strange, colorful world of the Bible. It was designed to appeal not just to Christians, but to nonbelievers, ...$140.00
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