- Confession: Finding Freedom and ForgivenessConfession is the most talked about sacrament among Catholics - but confession is experiencing renewal in Protestant and Anglican churches, as well. This book explains that there are two who ...$10.50
- Confession of St. Augustine (Ascension Press)The powerful witness of St. Augustine’s spiritual journey empowers all the faithful to strive for heaven. The second book of the Catholic Classics series, The Confessions of St. Augustine, is an ...$41.95
- Confession: Sacrament of Mercy Pastoral ResourceThis book is one in a series of eight, promulgated by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, which are the official catechetical resources for the Jubilee Year of ...$13.95
- Confessions of St. AugustineConfessions of St. Augustine is—after the Bible and The Imitation of Christ—the most widely translated and highly esteemed book in Christian history. Translated by Rev. J.M. Lelen, Ph.D., this ...$25.50
- Go in Peace: Your Guide to the Purpose and Power of ConfessionConfession, Penance, Reconciliation? The ancient Sacrament of penance is called many names but has one purposethe forgiveness of sins. Many Catholics and other Christians are at best uncertain as ...$14.50
- Light Is on for You: The Lifechanging Power of ConfessionConfession$15.50
- Frequent Confession Its Place in the Spiritual LifeFrequent Confession by Benedict Baur offers strong, convincing evidence that frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance is one of the most reliable paths to spiritual growth. Author Benedict ...$19.50
- How to Make a Good Confession"How to Make a Good Confession" gives readers practical methods to start consistently winning their battles against sin. Fr. John Kane not only explains ways believers can determine how free from ...$15.50
- Forgiven A Guide to Confession & the Examen PrayerDiscover (or rediscover!) the sacrament of Confession as a healing and life-giving encounter with Jesus through this pocket-sized, practical guide. Written especially for teens and young adults, ...$15.50
- Preparing for Confession: Receiving God's MercyIn this little booklet, Paul Turner helps each of us prepare a thoughtful, deeply felt confession and receive God’s mercy in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Whether you prefer to approach the ...$2.00
- Going to ConfessionA wonderful, beautifully illustrated companion for children as they prepare for Confession. Ideal for First Confession.$9.95
- Going to ConfessionThis booklet will show your children how to go to confession, at the same time laying out the meaning and the purpose of this practice in the Catholic Church. Author: Rev. Lawrence J. Lovasik, ...$4.50
- YOUCAT Confession (Francais)Très peu de ressources sont disponibles sur le sacrement de la réconciliation. Encore plus rares sont les ouvrages sur ce sujet qui s’adressent aux jeunes et leur donnent le goût de se confesser ! ...$9.95
- A Little Book about Confession for ChildrenA Little Book about Confession for Children gives step-by-step instructions and explanations for understanding the sacrament of confession. It includes an examination of conscience for kids and ...$16.95
- Pocket Guide to ConfessionThis pocket guide is meant to serve as an aid to such a varied group as those who: Confess regularly Are becoming Catholic Are making their First Confession Have been away from this sacrament for ...$11.95
- Lord Have Mercy The Healing Power of ConfessionAn illuminating, reassuring explanation of the Catholic Church’s teachings on confession and forgiveness by the bestselling author of The Lamb’s Supper and Hail, Holy Queen. Jesus told his first ...$32.95
- God Rich In Mercy 24 Hours For The LordGod Rich in Mercy (Eph 2:4) is the Pastoral Resource used by Catholics who joined Pope Francis in the second year of his "24 Hours for the Lord" initiative. This title mirrors the theme that ...$5.50
- Jesus Speaks to Me about ConfessionIn this book, Jesus speaks lovingly to children about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Each step of the sacrament is explained through beautifully illustrated Bible stories such Joseph forgiving ...$23.95
- St. Joseph...New American Catechism: No. 0 First Confession and CommunionExplained by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. An up-to-date catechism series in accord with the official National Catechetical Directory. The essential element of Catholic doctrine is emphasized ...$5.99
- Confessions of St. AugustineThe reader who has never met Augustine before ought to go first of all to the Confessions," reflected the Trappist monk and scholar Thomas Merton. "Augustine lived the theology that he wrote. . . ...$23.95
- Confessions of St. AugustineMore than an autobiography, The Confessions of St. Augustine is one of the most influential religious books in the Christian tradition. A great work of Western literature, it recalls crucial ...$16.95
- I Burned for Your Peace: Augustine's Confessions UnpackedPopular author and philosopher Peter Kreeft delves into one of the most beloved Christian classics of all time--Augustine's Confessions. He collects key passages and offers incisive commentary, ...$25.50
- The Confessions Saint Augustine of HippoDescription: In this classic of Western civilization, Saint Augustine recounts his wayward youth through his conversion to Jesus and the Christian faith—his confession of his own sin ...$17.95
- Saint Augustine-The ConfessionsBoulding's fresh new translation of this classic captures the essence of Augustine's struggle to integrate faith and understanding as his heart seeks to rest in God. Publishers Weekly RBL ...$48.95
- Forgiven Parish Edition Leader's KitForgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession provides the Church’s teaching about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the confessional and ...$167.95
- Forgiven Home EditionForgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession provides the Church’s teaching about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the confessional and ...$48.95
- Padre Pio: Saint for ReconciliationPadre Pio was born in Italy in 1887 and was a priest and confessor. ("Padre" is "Father" in Italian.) He heard millions of confessions during his lifetime. Padre Pio had the gift of healing people ...$9.50
- Vinny Flynn Live DVDIn this live DVD talk based on Vinny's book, 7 Secrets of Confession, discover the "hidden" truths of Confession - truths that have always been embraced by theologians, saints, and mystics - now ...$5.24
- Praying With Jesus and Faustina During Lent and in Times of SufferingSt. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938) immersed herself in a vision of Christ’s Passion that became a predominant theme in her famed Diary. In Praying with Jesus and Faustina During Lent and in Times ...$24.95
- M.I. Hummel First Communion Leatherette Wallet Set - BoyThis Hummel® First Communion set includes a 112-page Mass book, scapular, rosary, lapel pin, leatherette rosary case and leatherette wallet. Each mass book contains the Order of the Mass, the ...$52.50
- Faith Fundamentals PlacematsThe Faith Fundamentals set of 4 Placemats is a Catechetical tool for Catholic families that beautifully illustrate some of the most fundamental teachings of the Catholic faith. The placemats ...$27.95
- Renewed by JesusShow Children the Joy of Reconciliation When you’re a child, going to confession can be scary. We all can have a hard time confessing our sins, especially when we’re still new to the sacrament. ...$20.95
- Beloved Catholic PrayersCollection of prayers including the Holy Mass, traditional prayers and devotions such as the Rosary and Stations of the Cross, prayers of healing and prayers of spiritual warfare. It is a ...$25.95
- The Lord's Prayer - MugThe unique design of The LORD's Prayer White Ceramic Coffee Mug with Exposed Clay Base paired with the words that Jesus taught His disciples to pray make it a beautifully appropriate gift to ...$17.99
- A Pocket Catechism for Kids UpdatedFrom the very first "Who are you?" to the final "What other prayers does the Church recommend?" A Pocket Catechism for Kids, Updated is the ideal introduction to the treasures of the Catholic ...$15.50
- Blessed Are the Bored in Spirit: A Young Catholic's Search for MeaningAuthor: Mark Hart Too many young Catholics experience their faith as Mark Hart did: They rarely miss Mass even if they don't understand it; they have a Bible even if they never read it; they go to ...$23.95
- Seven Storey Mountain An Autobiography of FaithA modern-day Confessions of Saint Augustine, The Seven Storey Mountain is one of the most influential religious works of the twentieth century. This edition contains an introduction by Merton's ...$25.50
- Mes Prieres en Livre de PocheFrench edition of the best-selling My Pocket Prayerbook. This handy little book of essential prayers includes daily prayers, prayers for Confession and Communion and prayers for every day of the week.$4.00
- St. Padre Pio 'I Absolve You' SculptureA sculpture of St. Padre Pio as confessor that conveys the true power of the sacrament of reconciliation. Through the confessional window the face of Jesus is revealed. Miniature Replica : (14”h x ...$195.00
- Mercy's GazeCompiled by best-selling author Vinny Flynn, Mercy's Gaze breaks new ground as a first-ever themed collection of both Diary passages and Scripture verses intended to inspire prayerful reflection. ...$23.95
- YOUCAT Confirmation: Student BookWritten for the candidates in junior high and high school (or older), this YOUCAT Confirmation book provides in-depth preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Designed in the same ...$21.95
- Prayers for the MomentPrayers for the Moment, from the editor-in-chief of the beloved Magnificat aims to be a staple for fortifying your entire life of faith, especially by providing poignant prayers to the Blessed ...$34.95
- Faith and Life Series Jesus Our Life: Grade 2 (3rd Ed.)The Faith and Life Third Edition series is a minor update to the Revised Edition series so that all text and liturgical references conform to the implementation of the new Roman Missal. Revised ...$19.95
- Remembering God's Mercy: Redeem the Past and Free Yourself from Painful MemoriesRemembering God’s Mercy is a perfect resource for personal spiritual growth during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. In the first book to explore how memories impact and are affected by faith, ...$21.95
- My Daily Psalms BookThe Church gives us many prayers. But after the prayers of the Mass, none are more hallowed than the Psalms—where God Himself teaches us to pray in words inspired by the Holy Spirit. Arranged by ...$21.95
- My Daily LifeMy Daily Life is the follow-up title, and natural complement to, Father Paone’s indispensable My Daily Bread. While the latter focused on the interior life, My Daily Life focuses on the exterior ...$16.95
- My Confirmation Prayer BookMy Confirmation Prayer Book includes: Devotional Prayers the Order of the Mass the Rite of Confirmation Preparation for Confession and Communion Catechesis on Confirmation the Rosary ...$7.95
- Swear To GodThe most solemn, majestic, and beautiful gifts that Jesus Christ gave to the world are His sacraments. He endowed them with unprecedented and unparalleled power—power to change lives, save souls, ...$32.95
- Under the Mantle: Thoughts from a 21st Century PriestUnder the Mantle: Marian Thoughts from a 21st Century Priest is the long-awaited book by Fr. Donald Calloway, author of the bestselling book No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy. In Under the ...$27.95
- Handbook of Prayers: 8th Edition - New Translation of the Order of MassEvery Catholic should have access to this complete, compact treasury of prayers. This beautiful prayer book is compact enough to carry everywhere and comprehensive enough to give you inspiration ...$24.95
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Showing 70 results for "confession"