- Way of DiscipleshipVatican II's famous declaration that "the church on earth is by its very nature missionary" has often been taken out of context and used to support all manner of church initiatives. But, the ...$27.95
- Preaching for Discipleship- by Michael E. Connors, cscThe homily is a primary way that pastors and deacons can communicate how the whole parish community forms the catechumens. Many parishioners are not aware of their role in the Christian initiation ...$27.50
- On Earth As It Is In HeavenEncounter an authentically Catholic perspective on God’s vision for the universal Church to be united “on earth as it is in heaven.” From Fr. Josh Johnson, co-author of the popular Pocket Guide to ...$23.95
- The Way, Part 2: Leader/IndividualIn The Way, Part 1, we reflected on the call to know God as friend, savior, and source of all life through Jesus Christ. In this second volume of The Way, we continue to reflect on our call to ...$15.95
- The Way, Part 1: Leader/Individual GuideAs Catholic disciples of Jesus, we mature to the extent that we allow the heart and habits of Jesus and his people to become ever more our own. The Way invites individuals and groups to reflect ...$15.95
- When the Disciple Comes of Age: Christian Identity in the 21st Century"This book seeks to illuminate the spiritual journey of a small but rapidly growing Christian movement of those who seek to transcend inherited religions precisely because their enlarged sense of ...$27.95
- The Activated Disciple: Taking Your Faith to the Next Level by Jeff Cavins BookPractice Is Over. It's Game Time. The Activated Disciple teaches you how to imitate God, so you can become an instrument for him to transform the world. If you yearn for a life that moves ...$20.95
- Youth MinistryAll church ministries are oriented toward fostering missionary discipleship. Youth ministry focuses this mission on young people. In this new book in the Collegeville Ministry series, Jeffrey ...$11.50
- Becoming a Parish of Intentional DisciplesIn her first book, Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, Sherry Weddell, cofounder of the Catherine of Siena Institute, captured the attention of Catholics across ...$20.48
- Gift of Administration: New Testament Foundations for the Vocation of Administrative ServiceIn his First Letter to the Corinthians Paul cites administrators as one of God s gifts to the Christian community (1 Cor 12:28). But many who serve in administrative service today have difficulty ...$23.95
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- Jesus' Last DaysThis Lent, deepen your reverence for God's profound love! Let Bishop Serratelli's book lead you to a new perspective on sacrifice and renewal. Bishop Serratelli offers biblical meditations on ...$9.95
- Make Room: A Child's Guide to Lent and EasterWhile the Advent season is filled with fun and expectations, Lent can be hard for children. It s travels through frightening places, loaded with themes of self-denial and death. How can children ...$22.50
- Peter: Keys to Following JesusRenowned scholar Dr. Tim Gray masterfully guides you through the tumultuous and inspiring life of Peter--from his call to discipleship to his eventual martyrdom in Rome. Using Sacred Scripture and ...$23.75
- Marian Veneration Firm FoundationsThe Blessed Virgin Mary is venerated by many followers of Jesus Christ as an important part of their practice of the faith. Believing that she is the Mother of God because her Son is the Second ...$20.95
- Daniel Berrigan Essential WritingsDaniel Berrigan (1921-2016) was a Jesuit priest, poet, and peacemaker, whose words and actions over the past 50 years have offered a powerful witness to the God of Life. Fr. Berrigan, along with ...$27.95
- Lent and Easter Wisdom From St. Francis and St. Clare of AssisiAlthough they lived nearly 800 years ago, Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi serve as excellent guides for the modern Lenten journey. Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi abandoned their ...$16.95
- Quick Catholic Lessons With Fr. MikeQuick Catholic Lessons with Fr. Mike is a feature-packed teacher’s guide designed to accompany the extremely popular Ascension Presents YouTube videos from Fr. Mike Schmitz, presented here on a ...$84.00
- A Spirituality of Living: The Henri Nouwen Spirituality SeriesWhat's the secret to living a spiritual life? So much is happening in our world, we often get distracted and listen to voices other than the voice of God. "If we want to be disciples of Jesus, we ...$13.95
- Promise & Hope Pastoral Theology in the Age of Mercy Discerning and Becoming a Parish AccompanimentA groundbreaking work in theological reflection, Promise and Hope presents a pastoral theology of accompaniment that responds to Pope Francis’ urgent call to put Jesus—who reverenced the poor, the ...$24.95
- Introducing the Practice of MinistryMinistry is often examined in terms of who the minister is, not what the minister does. But the vocation to ministry must be understood as a call to identity as well as to practice, one that is ...$27.95
- What is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults? (PKG 25)This pamphlet is the perfect resource for helping the parish and inquirers understand the Church's ritual process for calling people to a life of discipleship. It will help the faithful understand ...$13.95
- Liturgical Catechesis in the 21st Century, Revised EditionIn Liturgical Catechesis in the 21st Century: A School of Discipleship, Dr. James Pauley explores the sacred action most essential to forming genuine disciples: the transformative encounter with ...$39.95
- Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons & Weekdays 2024By various authors, including Jessie Bazan, Kim R. Harris, and Kate Williams Those who prepare the liturgy are entrusted with a very important task—helping our assemblies to encounter the real ...$27.95
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- First to Belong to God: On Retreat with Pope FrancisWritten by Austen Ivereigh “This is not a time to hunker down and lock our doors. I see clearly that the Lord is calling us out of ourselves, to get up and walk.” —From the Foreword by POPE ...$28.00
- 2025 Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons & WeekdaysThose who prepare the liturgy are entrusted with a very important task—helping our assemblies encounter the real presence of Christ and be transformed and strengthened for discipleship. ...$25.00
- Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional ParishAn engaging guide for parishes seeking to cultivate communities of discipleship and vibrant and dynamic faith communities. Highly acclaimed for his work with parish renewal and the New ...$26.20
- Guide for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Third EditionThe celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of the Church. Participating in this sacrament enables the Catholic faithful to encounter the presence, love, and mercy of Christ. Because this ...$9.75
- Guide for Lectors and Readers, Second EditionBecause readers provide a bridge between the Word of God and the assembly, helping Christ speak to his people, they need to understand, believe, and love the Word of God they proclaim. The ...$8.75
- Guide for Sacristans, Third EditionThe work of the sacristan is extremely important, for without their preparations, the Mass cannot begin. Sacristans work behind the scenes to help ensure proper celebration of the liturgy, setting ...$11.25
- Follow Christ“…it is so beautiful to follow Jesus, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, that you then find balance and move forward.” – Pope Francis Walking in the footsteps of Jesus is a nice image, one which ...$16.95
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- Dear Joan ChittisterWhere can we find communities who accept us fully for who we are? Where do we find the courage to walk forward, often alone, and proclaim the truth? It s an experience many women share: they re ...$26.95
- 31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious EducatorCreator of the popular website The Religion Teacher, Jared Dees shares practical, easy-to-use teaching strategies and exercises for spiritual growth. These components are designed to improve the ...$13.95
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- Activated Disciple Challenge 40-Day Challenge Starter PackTake Your Faith to the Next Level As Catholics, we often find ourselves going through the motions. We believe our faith but struggle to put it into practice; we are not the activated disciples ...$139.95
- Guide For Liturgical Environment, Second EditionThis second edition of Guide for Ministers of Liturgical Environment prepares ministers of liturgical environment to carry out their weekly tasks with knowledge and skill. Even more than ...$12.95
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