- Forgiveness Makes You Free: A Dramatic Story of Healing and Reconciliation from the Heart of Rwanda“‘Jesus, where are you?’ I prayed every night as I wept . . . I felt I had failed as a priest, for I had preached love and the people made genocide. . . .Then I heard God speak to me. Jesus wanted ...$23.95
- Confession: Finding Freedom and ForgivenessConfession is the most talked about sacrament among Catholics - but confession is experiencing renewal in Protestant and Anglican churches, as well. This book explains that there are two who ...$10.50
- The Boy Who Cried Abba: A Parable of Trust and AcceptanceFrom the beloved author of The Ragamuffin Gospel comes a book for anyone who has ever felt left out, lonely or worthless. In The Boy Who Cried Abba, Brennan Manning tells the heart-warming ...$17.95
- Real MercyBy Fr. Jacques Philippe In Real Mercy, Father Jacques Philippe turns his focus on mercy in this book that developed from talks given on the first three days of the Year of Mercy beginning Dec. 8, ...$16.95
- A Rare NativityWe've all heard the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, and we've all seen the traditional Christmas creche. Now, author Sam Beeson and photographers Nina and Terral Cochran combine these two ...$25.95
- Forgiven A Guide to Confession & the Examen PrayerDiscover (or rediscover!) the sacrament of Confession as a healing and life-giving encounter with Jesus through this pocket-sized, practical guide. Written especially for teens and young adults, ...$15.50
- The Return of the Prodigal SonA chance encounter with a reproduction of Rembrandt's The Return of the Prodigal Son catapulted Henri Nouwen on a long spiritual adventure. Here he shares the deeply personal and resonant ...$24.95
- Forgiven Home EditionForgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession provides the Church’s teaching about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, including a practical “walk through” of what happens in the confessional and ...$48.95
- Rising Above the Storm Clouds: What it's Like to ForgiveForgiveness is like flying above storm clouds and bouncing on big white cotton ball clouds in a clear blue sky. It’s like the cat sharing her warm spot by the evening fire with the dog who fought ...$19.45
- Sacrament of ReconciliationAlthough it did not come from Christ in the form it has today, it is clear from Scripture that reconciliation was central to the ministry of Christ. In The Sacrament of Reconciliation David Coffey ...$25.95
- A Blessing in Disguise: Miracles of the Seven Sorrows RosaryNew York Times best-selling author Immaculée Ilibagiza teaches readers how to pray the rosary of the seven sorrows for greater wisdom, strength, and forgiveness. In this new book by New York Times ...$26.00
- Stories Jesus Told Looking for the Lost SheepWe want the children in our lives to know God’s love but how do we explain something that’s difficult even for adults to comprehend? The way Jesus himself did! In Luke 15, we see Jesus telling the ...$22.99
- I Forgive You: Love We Can Hear, Ask For, and GiveWritten by award-winning author Nicole Lataif, simply structured sentences paired with whimsical illustrations show children ages 4-7 the power of three simple words: I Forgive You. Children are ...$18.95
- Lord Have Mercy The Healing Power of ConfessionAn illuminating, reassuring explanation of the Catholic Church’s teachings on confession and forgiveness by the bestselling author of The Lamb’s Supper and Hail, Holy Queen. Jesus told his first ...$32.95
- Adaptive Reconciliation Kit For Individuals with Autism and Other Special NeedsThe Adaptive Reconciliation Kit was designed to help individuals with special needs enter fully into their faith experience, prepare for the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, and use the ...$110.00
- Francis of Assisi: Keeper of Creation, Saints & Me SeriesPeople liked to hear Saint Francis preach. He was kind, cheerful and always smiled. He preached about peace and forgiveness. People liked his simple life. His little group of followers preached ...$9.50
- A Spirituality of Living: The Henri Nouwen Spirituality SeriesWhat's the secret to living a spiritual life? So much is happening in our world, we often get distracted and listen to voices other than the voice of God. "If we want to be disciples of Jesus, we ...$13.95
- Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.” John 3:17 Drawing on Scripture, literature, and personal experience, Fr. Ron ...$4.50
- Alive In GodHow can Christianity touch the imagination of our contemporaries when ever fewer people in the West identify as religious? Timothy Radcliffe argues we must show how everything we believe is an ...$25.50
- Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska - Large FormatThis is the book that sparked The Divine Mercy devotion one of the fastest growing movements in the Catholic Church today. Diary is a dramatic telling of St. Maria Faustina Kowalskas amazing ...$26.50
- Activated Disciple Challenge 40-Day Challenge Starter PackTake Your Faith to the Next Level As Catholics, we often find ourselves going through the motions. We believe our faith but struggle to put it into practice; we are not the activated disciples ...$139.95
- Everyone BelongsInspired by the USCCB's statement "Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love, A Pastoral Letter Against Racism," Everyone Belongs empowers young readers to reflect on the reality of racism ...$11.75
- Watchmaker's Daughter: The True Story of World War II Heroine Corrie ten BoomNew York Times bestselling author and master of nonfiction spy thrillers Larry Loftis writes the first major biography of Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch watchmaker who saved the lives of hundreds of ...$41.00
- A Miracle for MicahMicah's story teaches kids about Jesus' healing power. In Capernaum, Micah sees two of Jesus' miracles and learns the importance of forgiveness. Parents and educators can use this story to teach ...$20.95
- Morning Homilies 1 Pope FrancisEach morning when Pope Francis celebrates Mass he offers a short homily for fellow residents and guests in the chapel of St. Martha’s Guesthouse, where he has chosen to live. Now, Morning Homilies ...$25.50
- Guide For Celebrating ReconciliationIn the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the encounter of the penitent with the mercy of God is one of the most transforming moments in the spiritual life of a Catholic. The ritual itself has changed ...$15.95
- Go in Peace: Your Guide to the Purpose and Power of ConfessionConfession, Penance, Reconciliation? The ancient Sacrament of penance is called many names but has one purposethe forgiveness of sins. Many Catholics and other Christians are at best uncertain as ...$14.50
- Strong in the Face of Tribulation. Words During the Coronavirus Pandemic: The Church in Communion: a Sure Support in Time of Trial Paperback – July 22, 2020Pope Francis This volume is divided into three sections. First we find the words that Pope Francis pronounced from 9 March - 18 May 2020 as he sustained the entire ecclesial community in this ...$34.50
- Secret of the Holy FaceFrom the creation of man to the current ecclesial infiltration and world revolution, the devil and his minions have sought to destroy the human race made in the image of God. No longer attacking ...$39.50
- The Bear that Nobody WantedWhat will the animals discover about Bear’s new boots? Lion is inviting all the animals to his home and sending them new boots to help them get there! But some of the animals question why Bear has ...$24.95
- Faith Can Give Us Wings: The Art of Letting GoAuthor: Notker Wolf “Why do you look so happy?” people have been asking Notker Wolf for years, now. So he set out to answer them in this lively book. A relationship with God, he explains, can ...$18.50
- That Easter MornIllustrator: Chi Chung That Easter Morn recalls the awe of the miraculous resurrection of our Lord; celebrates the forgiveness that is ours through Christs suffering and death on our behalf; and ...$20.95
- Tell Me the Secrets: Treasures for EternityWhat do parents want for their children? Success? Happiness? Modern culture constantly feeds people lies about what's really important in life. True joy and lasting satisfaction come only through ...$27.95
- My Child, My Princess: A Parable about the KingAuthor: Beth Moore Illustrator: Beverly Warren A wistful fairy tale at first impression, best-selling author Beth Moore's "My Child, My Princess" her first children's book is a simply profound ...$13.95
- Your Baby's Baptism: Welcome to God's Family DVDYour baby's baptism is a wonderful reminder that the Church and God's entire family continue to grow. This 30-minute DVD celebrates and renews your faith while strengthening your decision to raise ...$84.00
- Children of God Storybook BibleAuthor: Desmond Tutu The Children of God Storybook Bible is a collection of beloved Bible stories written by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and presents the idea of God``s forgiveness and reconciliation ...$28.00
- Words for the JourneyEducators can enrich the school prayer experience with this easy-to-use collection. Teachers, administrators, and school leaders pray for many reasons: to worship, to praise, for forgiveness, in ...$24.95
- Divine Mercy Statue 6"Crafted from a blend of Resin and Stone materials, the Divine Mercy Statue stands at 6 inches, representing the all-encompassing compassion and love of God as revealed through Jesus Christ. It ...$38.00
- Saint Peter Flawed, Forgiven and FaithfulIf St. Peter had moved in business or political circles, he would have been forgotten millennia ago. In most areas of life, those who make major mistakes are cast out, left to languish in their ...$20.95
- Tweetable Pope Spiritual Revolution in 140 CharactersBoston Globe journalist and Catholic commentator Michael O’Loughlin opens a wonderful window into the heart and revolutionary mission of Pope Francis by examining his extensive and revelatory use ...$27.95
- Mercy's GazeCompiled by best-selling author Vinny Flynn, Mercy's Gaze breaks new ground as a first-ever themed collection of both Diary passages and Scripture verses intended to inspire prayerful reflection. ...$23.95
- A Catholic FuneralThe Catholic funeral ritual is one of the Church's greatest gifts, celebrating belief in forgiveness and resurrection. The Church lovingly opens its doors to the departed and their family and ...$6.99
- Faith and Life Series Jesus Our Life: Grade 2 (3rd Ed.)The Faith and Life Third Edition series is a minor update to the Revised Edition series so that all text and liturgical references conform to the implementation of the new Roman Missal. Revised ...$19.95
- Follow Christ“…it is so beautiful to follow Jesus, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, that you then find balance and move forward.” – Pope Francis Walking in the footsteps of Jesus is a nice image, one which ...$16.95
- Journey of Faith for AdultsJourney of Faith for Adults welcomes adults of all ages and backgrounds to the Catholic faith and meets them where they are in their own faith journey, using an engaging pastoral style. Journey of ...$9.95
- Bread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and FaithWhen beloved author Henri Nouwen set out to record this daybook of totally new reflections, he suddenly found himself on "a true spiritual adventure." For in these 366 original, interlocking ...$23.99
- Pope Francis' Little Book of Compassion: The Essential TeachingsPope Francis is a pope of the people, and his teachings have been praised and shared by the faithful and nonreligious alike. Exploring themes universal to all people, Pope Francis Little Book of ...$20.95
- Our Father Reflections on the Lord's Prayer Pope FrancisThis new work by Pope Francis illuminates the most important prayer in all of Christianity, verse by verse, in conversation with Father Marco Pozza, a theologian and a prison chaplain in Padua, ...$28.00
- First Reconciliation Activities - Intermediate GradesReproducible are in five sections: Recognizing Sin Who Says? (teachings of Jesus and the Church), Seeking Forgiveness, How to Go to Confession, Following Up 32 pages, 8 ½’ x 11’$16.95
- Prières de tous les joursComment trouver les mots justes pour expliquer à un enfant que Dieu est présent dans sa vie ? Chaque prière raconte un événement de la vie quotidienne des tout-petits, et le relie à Dieu. Une ...$5.95
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