- Lector and Gospel Reader's Workshop: A Resource for Bringing God's Word to Life DVDLector and Gospel Reader Workshop is an interactive video workshop on DVD that combines the liturgical and spiritual aspects of being an effective lector with public speaking techniques. The ...$69.25
- Lector Enamel Lapel PinOur lapel pins are perfectly priced to hand out during religious gatherings and sacramental celebrations. Each pin contains full-colour enamel, comes with a clutch back and is carded for easy ...$4.50
- Prayers for a Lector (Catholic Pocket Prayers)O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. Psalm 51:15$0.50
- Lector's Guide to Biblical Pronunciations UpdatedFew things are more publicly embarrassing than stumbling over a word during the readings at Mass. Avoid a fiasco by learning the correct pronunciation of hundreds of biblical names with Lector's ...$12.50
- Guide for Lectors and Readers, Second EditionBecause readers provide a bridge between the Word of God and the assembly, helping Christ speak to his people, they need to understand, believe, and love the Word of God they proclaim. The ...$8.75
- Workbook for Lectors, Gosepl Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word 2025 - Canadian EditionVarious authors including Eric J. Wagner, CR and Stephen J. Lampe When lectors, readers, and proclaimers of the Word need the most trusted, accurate, and user-friendly tool to help them prepare ...$17.95
- Ministry of LectorsEmphasizing both spiritual and practical preparation, this book will help both experienced and beginning lectors develop their understanding of the ministry of proclaiming the word of God as well ...$11.50
- Ceremonial Binder GreenPerfect for presiders, cantors and lectors, as well as for accompanists to use to assemble each week's service music. These binders also function beautifully as an expandable alternative for ...$44.00
- Ceremonial Binder Ivory with Gold FoilPerfect for presiders, cantors and lectors, as well as for accompanists to use to assemble each week's service music. These binders also function beautifully as an expandable alternative for ...$44.00
- Ceremonial Red Binder Gold EmbossingPerfect for presiders, cantors and lectors, as well as for accompanists to use to assemble each week's service music. These binders also function beautifully as an expandable alternative for ...$44.00
- Ceremonial Binder Royal Purple with Gold FoilPerfect for presiders, cantors and lectors, as well as for accompanists to use to assemble each week's service music. These binders also function beautifully as an expandable alternative for ...$44.00
- Ceremonial Binder Purple with Silver FoilPerfect for presiders, cantors and lectors, as well as for accompanists to use to assemble each week's service music. These binders also function beautifully as an expandable alternative for ...$44.00
- Ceremonial Binder Black with Gold FoilPerfect for presiders, cantors and lectors, as well as for accompanists to use to assemble each week's service music. These binders also function beautifully as an expandable alternative for ...$44.00
- Ceremonial Binder Series 1 - Blue with Silver CrossOur Ceremonial Binders are an attractive and durable solution for clergy and church leaders to use for intercessions, special rites, seasonal service programs, and general announcements, for ...$44.00
- Pronunciation Guide for the LectionaryA Comprehensive Resource for Proclaimers of the Word, Second Edition This second edition of Pronunciation Guide for the Lectionary expands the first edition’s selection of words from the ...$6.25
- Proclaiming the Word: Formation for Readers in the Liturgy DVDAelred Rosser It is Christ who speaks when the Bible is read at the liturgy. In this video, experienced readers and the host, Aelred Rosser, explore the spiritual foundation and the skills ...$34.95
- Present for God's Call. Overview of the Rites of Institution and OrdinationThe baptized are called to serve God and the Church in a variety of ways, utilizing the gifts they have been given by the Holy Spirit. Some are called by God to serve in a special way. They have ...$39.50
- Ministry of the AssemblyMany who come to Sunday Mass or other liturgical celebrations are not one of the formal ministers (presider, greeters, acolytes, lectors, etc.). This book is about helping everyone at liturgy ...$11.50
- Paulist Liturgy Planning Guide: For the Readings of Sundays and Major Feast Days, Year a The Paulist Liturgy Planning Guide: For the Readings of Sundays and Major Feast Days, Year AThis guide provides a compact, easy-to-use, and comprehensive resource for all ministries involved in Sunday planning. Included are tips and information for musicians, lectors, Eucharist ...$22.50
- Order of Mass Roman Missal Study Edition & WorkbookThe Order of Mass: A Roman Missal Study Edition and Workbook is a fundamental resource for priests, deacons, and liturgists as they prepare for the implementation of the third edition of The Roman ...$41.95
- Stop Reading and Start Proclaiming!This book promises two things: It will give lectors and presiders new skills to help them become true storytellers, and it will result in greater accessibility to Scripture for the gathered ...$33.55
- Jesús te llama: Encuentra paz en su presenciaJesús te llama es un devocional excepcional lleno de tesoros inspirados del cielo para cada día del año. Los muy queridos devocionales te ayudarán a esperar deseoso tu tiempo con el Señor, ...$16.95
- Renewed and Received Complete Starter PackThe Complete Starter Pack provides all the resources a leader needs to plan and implement both Renewed: Your Journey to First Reconciliation and Received: Your Journey to First Communion. It comes ...$391.95
- Received Complete Starter PackAll the materials need to prepare and carry out both Renewed: Your Journey to First Reconciliation and Received: Your Journey to First Communion are included in the Complete Starter Pack. It ...$209.95
- Receiving Jesus: My Guide to the MassHelp Children Feel Comfortable at Mass For those of us who go to Mass often, it’s easy to forget just how intimidating it is for those who aren’t familiar with the liturgy. When do I sit, stand, ...$20.95
- Matthew the Apostle: Banker and God's Storyteller, Saints & Me SeriesMatthew was a tax collector. In Jesus' day, Jewish tax collectors worked for the Romans and were often disliked for being unfair. Then one day, Jesus asked him to follow his way. Matthew invited ...$9.50
- Good Shepherd Statue 6.25"The Good Shepherd is a title used for Jesus Christ in Christian theology, symbolizing His care, protection, and guidance for His followers, much like a shepherd cares for and leads their flock of ...$36.00
- Second Look Encountering the True JesusWhat do the magi, a rich kid, a short tax collector, a thirsty woman from Samaria, a boy with some bread and fish, a burly fisherman, and a Jewish official, have in common with YOU? An encounter ...$23.95
- The Bear that Nobody WantedWhat will the animals discover about Bear’s new boots? Lion is inviting all the animals to his home and sending them new boots to help them get there! But some of the animals question why Bear has ...$24.95
- Pope Francis and the Joy of the Gospel: Rediscovering the Heart of a DiscipleThe call of Christ to each of us is as heart-stopping as the moment captured by Caravaggio in his painting, The Call of St. Matthew. Jesus points, he invites--and Matthew the tax-collector must ...$15.95
- St. Michael Statue 8"This 8" St. Michael statue, expertly crafted by Veronese, is available in vibrant full hand-painted colour or classic bronze finish. An ideal addition for any collector or admirer, the statue ...$105.00
- Francis: Pope of a New WorldFrancis, rebuild my Church! That is how St. Francis of Assisi heard the call of Christ. It is also how Jorge Mario Bergoglio, at the age of 76, and a Jesuit, seems to have accepted his election to ...$27.95
- Drinking with Your Patron Saints: The Sinner's Guide to Honoring Namesakes and Protectors HardcoverThere’s a patron saint for everything. And Michael Foley has a drink for every patron saint.Have a problem with the IRS? Pray to St. Matthew and mix up a classic Income Tax cocktail to toast the ...$28.95
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