- Received: Your Journey to First Communion Student Pack [2nd Edition] (Inc. Online Access)The Student Pack comes with the Student Workbook that is seamlessly integrated with the videos and includes 12 lessons with hands-on activities, prayers, saint connections, main teaching content, ...$37.95
- Renewed Your Journey to First Reconciliation Starter PackThe Starter Pack provides all of the resources a leader needs to plan and implement Renewed: Your Journey to First Reconciliation. It comes with the following: The Online Leader's Access gives ...$209.95
- Received: Your Journey to First Communion Student Workbook (Without Online Access)Student Workbook is seamlessly integrated with the videos and includes 12 lessons with hands-on activities, prayers, saint connections, main content teaching, Visio Divina, Bible stories, car ...$22.95
- Renewed Your Journey to First Reconciliation Workbook (Without Online Access)The Student Workbook is seamlessly integrated with the videos and includes 12 lessons with hands-on activities, prayers, saint connections, main content teaching, Visio Divina, Bible stories, car ...$22.95
- Jesus Invites Me to the Feast: My First Eucharist Journal - Christine Way SkinnerJesus Invites Me to the Feast is a colorful, engaging first Communion journal that will guide your child closer to God as they prepare for holy Communion. With essential faith development ...$13.95
- My First Holy CommunionThis book is a completely unique presentation of the Catholic faith for children preparing for First Holy Communion. It is a rare combination of gifted writing, wonderful vibrant illustration, and ...$25.50
- St. Joseph...New American Catechism: No. 0 First Confession and CommunionExplained by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. An up-to-date catechism series in accord with the official National Catechetical Directory. The essential element of Catholic doctrine is emphasized ...$5.99
- My First Communion Prayer BookThis collection of new and traditional Catholic prayers will help children make prayer a daily part of their lives. From the moment they wake up in the morning until they go to bed at night, they ...$23.95
- Renewed and Received Complete Starter PackThe Complete Starter Pack provides all the resources a leader needs to plan and implement both Renewed: Your Journey to First Reconciliation and Received: Your Journey to First Communion. It comes ...$391.95
- Received Complete Starter PackAll the materials need to prepare and carry out both Renewed: Your Journey to First Reconciliation and Received: Your Journey to First Communion are included in the Complete Starter Pack. It ...$209.95
- The Word of the Lord: A Child's First Scripture VersesThe Catholic Child's First Faith Treasury presents your youngest Catholic children with core teachings and mysteries of the Catholic faith, and inspiring biblical principles, that they may from ...$13.95
- The Very First Lord's SupperAuthor: Swanee Ballman The most popular children's Bible story series in the world! Generations of Christian children have learned the Bible through the lively poems and colorful illustrations of ...$4.95
- My First Heaven BookAnswers for little people with big questions about HeavenIs Heaven a real place? What is it like? Does God live there?With simple scriptures and prayers, this book will teach children what the ...$12.50
- My Very First Noah's Ark StorybookGet ready to set sail on the ark with Noah and all the animals! Fun, soft, and pleasantly noisy, this Bible story cloth book is the perfect introduction to God's promises.Babies and toddlers will ...$17.99
- Mi Primera BibliaAuthor: Leena Lane & Gillian Chapman Here are all the Bible stories known and loved by generations of readers, retold lovingly for the children of today. My First Bible is a treasury of ...$20.95
- La Primera Biblia Para NinosLa primera Biblia para ni os es una colecci n de los 125 pasajes b blicos m s conocidos del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento. Comenzando con la historia de la creaci n y terminando en Apocalipsis, las ...$17.49
- La Biblia Ilustrada: La Historia Sagrada en LaminasEditor: Francisco Gual Elogiado por líderes educadores católicos por su estilo, este libro contiene más de 100 historias de la Biblia Católica escritas para los niños(as) en un lenguage simple muy ...$16.95
- Superbook Noah and the ArkThese storybooks bring Bible stories to life using the same beautiful artwork from the classic Superbook series which received three Daytime Emmy nominations . Each book features engaging, ...$10.99
- Holiness In a Secular Age The Witness of Cardinal NewmanCardinal John Henry Newman (1801–1890), a pre-eminent English intellectual and convert to Catholicism, was brought up in a low Church Anglican home where his grandmother and an aunt first nurtured ...$26.95
- My Friend JesusThis little book in series with the Candle Bible for Toddlers My Very First Bible is an introduction to Jesus for children aged 2-4. The story helps children relate to the son of God by explaining ...$6.95
- Superbook Let My People GoThese storybooks bring Bible stories to life using the same beautiful artwork from the classic Superbook series which received three Daytime Emmy nominations. Each book features engaging, ...$10.99
- The Miracles of JesusAuthor & Illustrator: Tomie DePaola Inspired by Romanesque art, Tomie dePaola brings the New Testament to life as he retells the stories of twelve miracles in the Bible. The Miracles of Jesus ...$11.95
- Heaven Is for Real: For KidsHeaven is for real, and you are going to like it! Colton Burpo came back from his trip to heaven with a very important message: Jesus really, really loves children. In an effort to reach even more ...$20.95
- Believing in JesusA Popular Overview of the Catholic Faith Leonard Foley wrote Believing in Jesus to help "born Catholics" come to a deeper understanding of the beliefs and practices they have held all their lives ...$30.95
- Faith and Life Series Our Heavenly Father: Grade 1 (3rd Ed.)THEME: Introduction to the Trinity, with emphasis on the life of Jesus, the plan of salvation, and the child's part in the plan. Acquaints child with Mary, angels and saints. Child learns basic ...$19.95
- Jesus Speaks to Me about ConfessionIn this book, Jesus speaks lovingly to children about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Each step of the sacrament is explained through beautifully illustrated Bible stories such Joseph forgiving ...$23.95
- History of the Kingdom of God, Part 1: From Creation to ParousiaThe History of the Kingdom of God, Part I: Creation to Parousia is a revision by Sofia Cavalletti of her earlier work, History's Golden Thread, a core text in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. ...$30.95
- Understanding the Sacraments of Vocation A Rite Based ApproachThe liturgy as an encounter between God and his children in Christ and the Holy Spirit. In this resource, Rev. Randy Stice explores two key topics in his catechesis on the Sacraments of Vocation: ...$27.95
- Hail Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of GodIn Hail, Holy Queen, Scott Hahn uses analogies and anecdotes from everyday life to demonstrate Mary's essential role in Christianity's redemptive message. Most Christians know that the life of ...$22.00
- Lord Have Mercy The Healing Power of ConfessionAn illuminating, reassuring explanation of the Catholic Church’s teachings on confession and forgiveness by the bestselling author of The Lamb’s Supper and Hail, Holy Queen. Jesus told his first ...$32.95
- Journey of Faith for AdultsJourney of Faith for Adults welcomes adults of all ages and backgrounds to the Catholic faith and meets them where they are in their own faith journey, using an engaging pastoral style. Journey of ...$9.95
- Word On the Street Sunday Lectionary Reflections Year AIn The Word on the Street, John Martens brings the Bible to where people live: in the church, at home, at work, and in the broader world. This Lectionary commentary for every Sunday of the ...$27.95
- Tell Me about the Catholic Faith for Small ChildrenDesigned with young children in mind, this book is a shortened and simplified version of the popular, best-selling Tell Me about the Catholic Faith. Suitable for children in pre-school and ...$23.95
- God Loves You: For You are His ChildWe love because God first loved us, and it's important for the little children to know how much God loves them! This book invites parents to proclaim God’s loving Word to their children, and ...$10.00
- Indescribable: 100 Devotions for Kids about God and SciencePassion City Church founder Giglio takes his message about science and the Bible to kids in his first children's book that displays the majesty of creation with scientific findings, photography, ...$21.99
- Easter StoriesThis collection of 23 stories includes the key Bible accounts of the events of the first Easter from Palm Sunday through to Jesus' resurrection, encounters with his friends and followers, and the ...$13.95
- Sacred That Surrounds UsDid you know that everything about the confessional in a Catholic church—even its size—was designed in a highly specific way by St. Charles Borromeo to answer objections to the sacrament by the ...$27.95
- T3 Acts The Keys and the Sword Leader Guideby Mark Hart T3 Acts: The Keys and the Sword equips teens with a foundational understanding of the main characters, doctrines, events, and journeys that make up this incredible "gospel of the Holy ...$20.95
- T3 Acts the Keys and the Sword Student Workbookby Mark Hart T3 Acts: The Keys and the Sword equips teens with a foundational understanding of the main characters, doctrines, events, and journeys that make up this incredible "gospel of the Holy ...$13.95
- T3 Timeline DVD Setby Mark Hart In this 8-part DVD series Mark Hart provides an engaging overview of salvation history, giving teens “the big picture” of the Bible in a way they can relate to and understand. Each ...$139.95
- Divine Hours: Volume III“A welcome remedy for the increasing number of lay Christians who have rediscovered the daily offices. Tickle puts each day’s prayers, psalms, readings, and refrains–everything you need–in one ...$49.95
- City of God (Image Classics)No book except the Bible itself had a greater influence on the Middle Ages than City of God. Since medieval Europe was the cradle of today’s Western civilization, this work by consequence is vital ...$25.00
- Accompanying Those with Same-Sex Attractions: A Guide for Catholics“Author David Prosen speaks generously and with wisdom out of his own experience of same-sex attractions: without love, all the rules and commandments in the world fall flat. It is not for us to ...$11.50
- Catecismo de La Iglesia CatolicaPaperback Here it is -- the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in Spanish in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholic throughout the world believe in common. This book is ...$16.00
- Introducing the Catechism of the Catholic ChurchThe Catechism of the Catholic Church is a landmark in Catholic publishing. Within a year after it first appeared, over three million copies were in circulation in nine languages. Pope John Paul II ...$17.35
- Will Catholics Be Left Behind: A Critique of the Rapture and Today's Prophecy PreachersThis powerful and timely book, written by a former Fundamentalist, is a thorough critique of the popular Fundamentalist notion of the "Rapture"—the belief that Christians will be removed from ...$21.50
- Jesus Calling: The Story of Christmas Board BookJesus Calling ® : The Story of Christmas uniquely teaches the Christmas story to your children by starting at creation and sharing that Jesus has always been present and that God has always had a ...$15.99
- The Creator In YouThe Creator in You is a book that children, graduates, and even many adults will treasure for a lifetime. This fresh perspective on the creation account from the Bible’s first book, Genesis, helps ...$15.99
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