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First Corinthians the Church and the Christian Community Starter Pack

First Corinthians the Church and the Christian Community Starter Pack

The conflicts of the early Christians in Corinth are in many ways similar to our struggles today as Christians. With divisions, immorality, persecution, and other trials of the faithful, the message of St. Paul to the Corinthians is a much-needed message for our own times. First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community explores the key elements that the apostle Paul introduced to a new and growing Church. St. Paul taught the Corinthians about the nature of grace and the Church as the Body of Christ. In addition, he introduced the Corinthian Christians to the most powerful gift of all, the Eucharist.


Your Group Will:

  • Learn the importance of Christian unity in relation to the Church as the Body of Christ. Explore St. Paul's strategy for successful evangelization.
  • See how to live a Christian life in the midst of a pagan culture.
  • Discover why St. Paul sees the Church as the Body of Christ.
  • Learn how St. Paul's letter proves that the sacrifice of Christ is truly made present in the Eucharist.
  • Gain a new vision for seeing the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.

 This Starter Pack is what every leader needs to begin First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community.

It includes:

  • 4-DVD Set (11, 30-minute videos presented by Tim Gray)
  • Study Set 

Each participant and small-group facilitator should have a Study Set, which includes session overviews, questions and responses, and talk notes. The Study Set is used during each step of the program: The session overviews and questions are needed for Home Preparation and Small-Group Discussion. The talk notes are needed during the Video Presentations. The responses are need for the Review of Responses.


Author:  Tim Gray


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