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Follow Me Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John Starter Pack

Follow Me Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John Starter Pack

This pack is what every leader needs to begin Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John. It includes:

4-DVD Set (eight 30-minute videos presented by Edward Sri)

Leader’s Guide


Each study participant should have a Workbook, and each small-group facilitator should have a Leader’s Guide. They include the review questions, talk notes, discussion questions, leader responses, session overviews, and home preparation readings needed for each step of the program

About Follow Me: 
Following Christ takes more than simply believing in him or doing what he asks of us. Jesus wants you to be more than just a believer — he wants you to be his disciple and friend. Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John is your guide to a personal encounter with Christ. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus seeks after us. He comes to meet us and beckons us to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved us. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ.

You will: 
Learn what it takes to follow Christ. 
Discover the joy of divine friendship. 
See how God, and only God, can satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.

Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John, Starter Pack. Make the Catholic Church Great Again, The Great Adventure Faith Formation Series!

Follow me is the Gospel most scholars believe to be the most difficult to understand (and how you can understand it!)

Despite being so challenging, this Gospel is not only unique in its structure, but the source of a surprising amount of Catholic beliefs.

It is the only Gospel that mentions:

  • The wedding feast at Cana
  • The Samaritan woman at the well
  • Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead
  • Jesus washing his disciples' feet
  • ... and many more—92% of this Gospel's content is not found in the others

Because this Gospel is so unique and foundational to our Catholic Faith, it really is essential for Catholics to understand.

You've probably guessed by now: The Gospel I'm talking about is John.

What makes John so hard to understand, as compared to the other three, and how can we understand it?

First, it is not meant to be a timeline or an ordered retelling of historical facts. The history of Jesus' life was known when this Gospel was written.

John wasn't exactly trying to tell a story; he was trying to reveal all of Christ and who he was (God!)

He doesn't tell the story in a timeline that "matches up". He doesn't mention the Eucharist (at least not at the last supper). His purpose is something else.

The other Gospels reveal God by telling you the story of Jesus Christ.

John is looking to explicitly reveal that Jesus is God.

He does this in ways that might have been clear to a first century Jew, but to us the allusions, allegories, and signs can remain hidden. 

So how can we learn to understand all this Gospel has to offer?

Dr. Edward Sri, in his acclaimed study Follow Me, helps Catholics understand this all-important Gospel, so they can hear the voice of God through it. Because ultimately, that's what this is about ... having a personal encounter with the real, living person of Jesus Christ. And we can do that through the Word of God, Scripture!  

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