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Leccionario Vol II

Leccionario Vol II

Estos leccionarios son aprobados para el uso en los EE.UU.

Después de Pentecostés. Ciclos A, B, C, I y II. Domincal, Ferial y de Solemnidades del Senor. Apéndice con las lecturas propias del santoral. Cantos interleccionales.

These Lectionaries approved for use in the U.S.

After Pentecost. Cycles A, B, C, I and II. For Sundays, Weekdays, holidays, and solemnities of the Lord. Appendix with the readings for saints' feasts. Interlectional chants.

Pages: 1142
Trim Size: 6 3/4 x 9 3/16
Publication Date: 07/01/2001

Regular price $160.00
Regular price Sale price $160.00
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