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The Master's Companion: A Christian Midrash

The Master's Companion: A Christian Midrash

The Master's Companion offers readers a fresh look at the Gospel message through midrash, an ancient storytelling tradition that uses imagination to fill in the gaps within the biblical narrative. In the Judaic tradition, the rabbis, or teachers of Scripture, used these imaginative stories to draw out the meaning of God's word. The stories served as metaphors that pointed to the deeper truths of God's message.

The Master's Companion is an imaginary tale about Jesus and the small black dog with a white foot that Jesus heals. The dog accompanies Jesus during critical moments in his life. At times, Jesus uses the dog as a springboard for telling a short story, or parable, in order to draw out fresh meaning from familiar stories found in Scripture.

The imaginative stories and beautiful illustrations in this book make it a perfect gift for young people and the online leader's guide makes this a useful resource for those who minister to them.

Regular price $18.65
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